Reviewer: Rayne
I doubt Disney's Cinderella needs any introduction. It's one of Walt Disney's first and biggest hits and single-handedly saved the company from bankruptcy. Much like Cinderella herself, it's a tale of rags to riches...of course then, it's fair to say it's the PERFECT Cinderella movie then, right? Well...almost. It's true: this movie is rather faithful to the concept of Cinderella as it aims to recreate the Charles Perrault story. However, this does not mean it's perfect in every aspect.
I know!!! It's shocking that I, a member of, would call the movie anything less than perfect...but hear me out!
As an adaptation, as an animated movie? This is nearly flawless. The animatiion looks stunning, and it captures the essence of Cinderella beautifully...but...we must discuss this movie's first half x.x
I LOVE the mice, don't get me wrong!! But the thing is, the scenes with the mice drag on longer than necessary, and don't have anything to do with the original fairytale...They can get quite boring, and overall, the first half of this movie can feel slow...but the music? Amazing! Sing, Sweet Nightingale was always my favorite track from this one.
All in all, a fantastic movie. A bit slow, but a classic worth watching to be sure. I can see why Kaoru Hitachiin loves it so much!
This movie gets...
7 carriages out of 10!
Reviewer: Kuro
in terms of cinderella movies, i am of the opinion that disney’s remains the best. it is true to the original bittersweet tale, and i believe it improves upon it. it reminds me of the pain in this world and how painful that pain can be. though, unlike reality, cinderella gets a happily ever after…(ó﹏ò。)
by the way, isn’t the prince so cute in this movie? x3 he’s basic, sure, but he’s got a lot going for him. he’s a bit mysterious, and i like some mystery. my praises aside, my one critique is those damn mice. they have no right to be in such a movie. really kills the mood. (>﹏<)
something about this film makes me feel… pained. kaoru kun, my dearest, was right to place so much of himself in this story. my only complaints are, i think this movie would have been a lot more interesting if the step sisters were more evil, and perhaps tried to kill cinderella. maybe, even, cinderella could stab them for sweet sweet revenge…( 。 •̀ v •́ 。)
This movie gets...
8.5 carriages out of 10!
~A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes~