Reviewer: Rayne
Not to be confused with the more popular Cinderella movie released the same year with Camila Cabello, this Cinderella's just....
And not in the good way!! The movie has barely ANYTHING to do with Cinderella until 3/4 thru!! The plot is all over the place, barely makes sense, the cgi is really bad, and it is more funny than scary!
Oh yeah, did I mention?? This is a HORROR movie! Granted, I can see Cinderella working in a horror setting. Abuse is pretty horrific! But this was your average paranormal ghost possession movie. I'm pretty chicken but I wasn't scared ONCE!!! The jumpscares were so cheap it was actually FUNNY!!! I will give the movie was HILARIOUS. Well, after the first half. The first half is BORING.
To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd.....WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?!?!??!
This movie gets...
3 carriages out of 10!
Reviewer: Raven
when i heard there was a cinderella h0rror m0vie 0ut there i c0uldn’t wait t0 see it!!! h0rr0r and cinderella are like my tw0 fav0rite things!!! but 0nce i actually watched it… i wasn’t very impressed. it wasn’t very scary and h0nestly, i was a little c0nfused… what happened to intermissi0n??? the snake??? the snake intermissi0n??? there was 0ne brief menti0n of a lesbian character which i th0ught was kind of awes0me!!! i’m always happy to see diversity in cinderella m0vies!!! apart fr0m that th0ugh… i was very disapp0inted :( at least it was kind 0f funny XD。)
This movie gets...
4 carriages out of 10!
~A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes~