Reviewer: Rayne
Despite the cute name, Cinderella the Cat is NOT a family-friendly film. It deal with very dark and mature themes, like drug abuse, murder, family abuse, cheating, and even pedophilia. It's extremely dark!!
That said...this is a REALLY good film. It's not what I would have expected from a "Cinderella" film, but that's okay. Actually, in terms of the "Cinderella" department, it takes many trademark components of the original Cinderella fairytale and flips them on their head. Somehow, the evil stepmother is more sympathetic than the "prince" is in this movie! Asssuming the "prince" is the man who attempts to marry Cinderella. However, in general, this movie really doesn't have much to do with Cinderella. Again, it's a great film, and has some great plays on Cinderella imagery, but it is very much on that fine line of adaptation. You know, how divorced from a source material can something be before it ceases to be an adaptation? That sort of thing.
This movie, originally produced in Italy, is dark, has amazing symbolism and storytelling that will probably not be fully understood until you finish the movie, making it very rewatchable. Many, many aspects of the early movie will leave you confused until they are explained later on, painting the whole movie in a new light, making you want to rewatch it with this new info in mind. I found this movie, despite its dark nature and very liberal take, to be extremely compelling and interesting. And the animation style is very unique! However, sometimes it kind of looks like a PS2 game...But for the most part, I enjoy it.
This movie would probably get a higher overall score if it wasn't for our "Adapatation" category, but remember! We are reviewing Cinderella movies! So of course, how close they are actually related to Cinderella is going to be one of our points of consideration. If the accuracy to the Cinderella fairytale doesn't matter to you (why are you here then!?), then think of this movie as being a point or two higher :3
This movie gets...
7 carriages out of 10!
~A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes~